107 research outputs found

    An Exploration of Mendeley Reader and Google Scholar Citation for Analysing Indexed Article

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    This paper aims to analyze the number of readers from the published articles of 100 Indonesian researchers in Mendeley reference management software. The list of Indonesian scientists is obtained from the webometrics ranking of scientists. We used the Application Programming Interface (API) of Mendeley to count the number of readers for each article in Mendeley and combine it with Google Scholar citation using the scrap method. We processed ten mostly cited articles that are indexed in the first page of the Google Scholar for each designated scientist. Furthermore, we used the Pearson method to analyze the correlation of the Mendeley readers count and the Google Scholar citation. The results show that they are correlated with a value of 0.266 according to the method of Pearson with N = 1000. Furthermore we found that many online Indonesian journals have no Digital Object Identifier (DOI) yet. Our evaluation of the publication results of 100 Indonesian researchers shows that authors who upload their scientific work on Mendeley, have higher citation number in Google Scholar, because their papers are widely available on the Internet


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    Sebagai bagian masyarakat, siswa-siswa Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Atas, terutama siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan merupakan agen-agen perubahan potensial di masa mendatang. Oleh sebab itu, pada mereka perlu diberikan pengenalan terhadap hasil-hasil perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi modern. Hal tersebut selaras dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang diajarkan, dikembangkan, dan diteliti oleh bidang Sistem Komputer yang juga berbasis teknologi modern tersebut. Dalam hal ini tidaklah mungkin memperkenalkan seluruh hasil pengembangan teknologi kepada para siswa SMK. Oleh sebab itu perlu dipilih topik-topik yang layak dan mudah dipahami oleh mereka, dalam hal ini adalah pengenalan perangkat dan aplikasi teknologi informas

    Campus Cloud Computing Testbed at Diponegoro University

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    This paper aims to develop a cloud computing testbed on Undip campus. The testbed will be used as a reliable and a scalable ICT infrastructure for Undip servers, such as web, repository and database servers. Each server is implemented by using Ubuntu server OS and run on a virtual machine. Virtual machines are generated from the virtual infrastructure by KVM hypervisor. The testbed implements one computer as the cloud server and two computers as the computing nodes. It gives three virtual machines which run web server, Ubuntu repository server, and SQL database server. Testing of its functionality, reliability and scalability is performed by deploying and operating the cloud system on testbed that connected to Undip global network. The system ability to increase or decrease its resource capacity shows that it is ready to use it as the next-generation of Undip ICT infrastructure


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    Tuntutan di dalam dunia kerja makin banyak, salah satunya adalah kedisiplinan para pekerja. Dalam dunia kerja, seringkali terjadi kekurangan sistem kontrol guna mengetahui suatu pekerjaan, sehingga pekerjaan tidak dapat selesai pada waktunya, ditambah sifat dan disiplin para pekerja yang kurang dalam mengerjakan tugasnya, serta pengaturan jadwal antara manajer dan pelaksana yang sering kali tidak dapat berjalan lancar. Aplikasi Pemantauan Kerja Berbasis Web kiranya dapat memberikan solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut di atas. Aplikasi ini dapat memantau suatu keberhasilan pekerjaan dan mengetahui sejauh mana pekerjaan tersebut telah terselesaikan. Kendala pengaturan jadwal pertemuan antara manajer dan pelaksana juga dapat diatasi, karena aplikasi ini berbasis web, sehingga dapat dengan mudah dan cepat seorang manajer dapat melihat hasil kerja pelaksana. Perancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan Python sebagai bahasa pemrogramannya, MySQL sebagai basisdatanya. Dalam perancangan sistem penulis menggunakan metode pemodelan UML (Unified Modelling Language). Prinsip kerja dari aplikasi ini adalah proses pengaksesan data-data yang diperlukan melalui Personal Computer (PC). Program Aplikasi yang telah dibuat akan ditampilkan oleh web server. Kata kunci : Web, Database, Pemantauan Kerja, Pytho

    WSN infrastructure for green campus development

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    A system providing accurate environmental data for campus stakeholders to formulate and evaluate policies of the sustainable campus development is needed. This paper presents the design of WSN infrastructure capable of providing accurate, real-time and reliable environment data, namely PM2.5, SO2, CO, O3, NO2, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and light intensity to be analyzed and presented by servers. This infrastructure is composed of fixed sensor nodes, mobile sensor nodes, display nodes and server nodes. The sensor node provides environment raw data to the server using an RF transceiver. The server processes, stores and presents environment information to public users through Internet and mobile network. This infrastructure can be used as a platform to provide environmental data to decision support system for campus stakeholders, so that a recommendation can be made

    Desain dan Implementasi Firewall dengan Layer 7 Filter Pada Jaringan Teknik Elektro

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    Keamanan pada suatu jaringan sangat mutlak dibutuhkan karena rawannya jaringan apabila terhubung dengan jaringan luar (WAN). Salah satu solusinya adalah dengan membangun firewall sebagai pertahanan pertama pada jaringan yang dimiliki. Firewall itu sendiri berfungsi sebagai filtrasi semua paket yang masuk pada jaringan lokal. Firewall memiliki patch layer 7 filter yang dapat digunakan untuk mem-filter paket berdasakan aplikasinya. Pada tugas akhir ini mencoba mengimplementasikan firewall layer 7 filter pada jaringan Teknik Elektro. Dalam pengaruhnya dengan koneksi pada internet dari jurusan-jurusan lain, ternyata sangat signifikan perbedaannya. Kata kunci : firewall, layer 7 filte

    Improving H-index using RA-index to Measure Researchers Impact, Case Study of Indonesian Researchers

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    Advantages in the information technology development provide convenience for researchers to read a paper directly after the publication of the manuscript. The number of citations of a paper can be obtained within one to two years after the paper is published. H-index uses the combination of the number of citation and the number of papers published by a researcher to measure his/her papers impact. H-index has some disadvantages, i.e. the H-index did not accommodate the group of the productive and perfectionist researchers. Since the year 2015, the Indonesian Government provided some incentives for Indonesian researchers in order to improve the number of publications. Most researchers profile is characterized by a large number of papers, with a few citations. This paper proposed an improvement to the H-index method to increase the sensitivity of the H-index calculation. The data source of 8,500 Indonesian researchers is from Scopus. The proposed method is based on Jain's Fairness Index and Lotka’s Law, which we called the RA-index. This improved the RA-index used the weighting method mechanism based on " percent-contribution-indicated " (PCI) and " Equal 8Contribution (EC) method. Combination of the RA-index and the weighting method of author position is called RA-ma Index. It is expected that the proposed RA-ma index method can provide a positive contribution to measure the impact of Indonesian researchers


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    Perkembangan teknologi ponsel sangat pesat, ponsel sekarang tidak hanya dapat digunakan untuk telepon atau sms saja tetapi sudah dapat berinteraksi dengan internet. Dengan kelebihannya itu maka ponsel dapat digunakan untuk browsing mencari informasi di internet. Salah satu media yang sangat penting di internet adalah email. Dengan menggunakan email kita dapat mengirim data sangat banyak, jika kita bandingkan dengan SMS (Short messaging Service). Dengan email, kita juga dapat mengirim data kantor, mengirim informasi perkuliahan, tugas kuliah, pesan, dll. Tugas akhir ini mengimplementasikan Aplikasi Email client Pada Ponsel Untuk Memproses Informasi Perkuliahan. Aplikasi ini ditujukan kepada mahasiswa untuk memperoleh informasi perkuliahan seperti jadwal kuliah, jadwal ujian, jadwal seminar, informasi registrasi ulang, informasi nilai ujian, dll. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini maka kebutuhan akan informasi perkuliahan secara cepat, murah dan aktual dapat terwujud. Khusus informasi jadwal, secara otomatis akan disimpan pada basisdata event ponsel, sehingga akan mengaktifkan alarm sesuai dengan informasi waktu yang ada pada jadwal. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa Pemrograman Java. Penggunaan bahasa pemrograman java karena perkembangannya sangat pesat dan semakin luas digunakan oleh masyarakat serta memiliki kemampuan yang dapat diandalkan. Kata-kunci : Kata kunci: Ponsel, SMS, Email, Java, Email client, informasi Perkuliaha

    Pengembangan dan Implementasi Aplikasi Pengawasan Ternak Berbasis Android di Peternakan Bukit Aren Farm Majalengka

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    Bukit Aren Farm located in Majalengka, West Java is a company specialized in the broiler of the agriculture industry, farming broiler performed in different places and every breeding cattle carried monitored by the supervisory staff. Every day, staf record information manually about the animal in the cage that data will be used as a performance evaluation of animal production. The livestock management personnel encountered problems when running calculations of the evaluation product and efficiency livestock because the calculation process can be done if the existing data stored carefully and systematically, in particular the data recorded cattle in significant quantities, it would require much time for staff supervision to determine the level of production performance. Application developed using waterfall method. The waterfall model is composed of: requirements, design, implementation, verification, maintenance. To begin the design steps required observations or interviews to determine the needs of the system under design. Applications developed using CodeIgniter framework, angularjs and ionic based architecture. Results of the project is the application mobile livestock monitoring data storage that can serve the number of deaths, data on the number quarantine of chicken, and the amount of data that then feed use these data will generate a data value prices and feed consumption levels of livestock mortality information for the evaluation process in the livestock in line with the business processes of Bukit Aren Farm. The application has been tested by using black box method and the results of these tests indicate that all functions in the system has been well running on the Android operating system from version 4.1
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